Waitlist Information
Due to overwhelming requests and extended wait times, the BC SPCA Prince George Spay/Neuter Clinic has now moved to a waitlist system for all surgical bookings. Please read the following important information to learn how the waitlist system works.
- Requests to add a pet to our waitlist for surgery are only taken during periods of open bookings, as indicated on the home page banner of our website. Requests submitted at any other time will not receive a response and will not be kept for future use
- Pets that do not meet our eligibility criteria will not be added to the wait list, so please make sure your pet meets our requirements before putting in a request.
- A maximum of 2 pets are allowed on the waitlist per client.
- Surgery spots are very limited, especially for dogs. Being on our wait list does not guarantee a surgical spot and wait times can be quite long. You may want to consider other options (such as your regular veterinarian), if available.
- Once a surgical appointment has been offered and accepted, it cannot be rescheduled. If you are unable to make your scheduled appointment, you may request to be re-added the wait list unless they have “aged out” of our requirements, in which case they will be removed from the list.
- Surgery appointments are reserved for the specific client and pet for which it was requested. Substitutions or trades for another pet are not allowed, and appointments cannot be transferred to a new owner if the pet is rehomed.
How to Add Your Pet to the Waitlist for Spay/Neuter Surgery
- Check the clinic’s current eligibility requirements, which are posted on our website at:
- *If your pet is eligible, check the clinic homepage to see if we are accepting waitlist applications.
- If the clinic is accepting waitlist applications, use our “Book an Appointment” form to request to be added to the waitlist
- https://www.pgclinic.ca/forms/book-an-appointment/
- Please do not combine animals in the same request – if you have more than one pet, submit one request per pet
- A member of our team will contact you by email once they have received your request to ask a few more questions. You will then receive a follow up email once you are confirmed on the waitlist.
- We will then contact you again once an appointment becomes available for your pet. Wait times will vary, but plan for at least 3 months.
- Due to high demands, we will only make 2 appointment offers – if these offers are declined or we do not receive a response from you by the deadline stated, you will be removed from the waitlist and you will need to reapply during the next open booking period (if your pet is still eligible).
Additional Information
- Waitlist requests will only be accepted via our website booking form – please do not come to the clinic in person to make requests or inquiries.
- Please do not submit a request if your pet does not meet our eligibility requirements or if our homepage says that we are not accepting waitlist applications, as your request will be automatically declined. We do not keep requests that have been denied on file for the future.
- Your pet is not confirmed on the waitlist until you have been contacted by our staff and have received a confirmation email. Due to the high volume of requests, we cannot reach out multiple times if we do not hear back after attempting to make contact.
- Once your pet is confirmed on the waitlist, please do not contact us to ask where you are on the list or how long the wait will be, as our staff will be unable to provide an estimate due to the highly variable nature of our schedule. We encourage you to add your pet to the waitlist as soon as possible to avoid delays.
- As a limited-service clinic, our Spay/Neuter surgeries are reserved for young, healthy, lower-risk animals only, at or around the traditional age of 5-6 months. While we acknowledge that some veterinary professionals recommend delaying Spay/Neuter in some dog breeds, we do not offer mature surgeries. If you are looking for this service, please book an appointment with your regular vet.
- Some medical conditions may disqualify your pet from having surgery at the clinic – please note any known health issues on your request form to avoid an unnecessary wait for a surgery that will not be able to be performed. All pets will be examined the morning of surgery and unfortunately if a disqualifying condition is found, you will be turned away for surgery that day
- The clinic does not spay dogs during a heat cycle, or that have had a heat cycle recently. It is very important to let us know if your female dog has been in heat as well as when her cycle started as it will greatly impact when they can be booked safely. If your dog starts a heat cycle while on the waitlist, please email us to update your information so we can offer you an appropriate appointment. Not having this important information available to us could result in appointment delays or aging out of our eligibility requirements.